What is the EOA Experts Panel?

Members of the EOA Experts Panel are selected by EOA based on their combined experience of consulting in the employee share plan space over several decades.  To be invited to be a member of the Experts Panel the individuals must have over ten years’ recognised experience in designing, managing and implementing employee ownership plans.

Continue scrolling down this page for the full list and contact details of the EOA Expert Panel.

In addition, the individuals selected by EOA are recognised by their peers as practitioners of excellence in this area.  The Experts Panel members have been selected from the leading tax and legal professional firms and share plan administrators and registry providers in Australia.

The Experts Panel’s philosophy regarding broad based employee share ownership is aligned with that of the EOA.

EOA Report’s Produced by the Experts Panel

> Submission to the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into promoting economic dynamism, competition and business formation
Download and read the submission here, July, 2023.
Download and read the attachment to the submission here, July 2023.

> Submission on Employee Ownership in the Social Care Sector to the Federal Minister for Health
Download and read the submission here, March, 2023.

> Submission to the Jobs and Skills SummitDownload and read the submission here, September 2022.

> Submission on the proposed Employee Share Schemes draft legislationDownload and read the submission here, September 2021.

> Submission for the ‘Cooperative Workplaces – How can Australia capture productivity improvements from more harmonious workplace relations’ Consultation
Download and read the submission here, May 2020.

Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Tax Treatment of Employee Share Schemes
Download and read the submission here, May 2020.

> Submission to the Treasury Consultation on Employee Share Schemes
Download and read the submission here, May 2019

> Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Future of Work and Workers
Download and read the submission here, February 2018

What are the biggest issues facing employee ownership in Australia.

Download and read the report How to Create a Vibrant Ownership & Productivity Culture, June, 2017

Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand Report shows that a reversal of the 2009 changes will add a significant boost to the economy over the long term.

Download and read Our Report Employee Share Schemes – Their Importance to Our Economy | EOA Report, July 2014
Download and read Media Release

EOA Report – February 2014, The Solution for Start-Ups

Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand offers a plan solution for start-up companies
Download and read Our Response to the Treasury Consultation on Start-Ups |  EOA Report, February 2014
Download and read Media Release

EOA Report – April 2013, Information about the Current Trends in Employee Ownership

Employee share ownership weakened by government legislation, new report finds
Lower participation in employee share plans and a decrease in the use of option plans is hitting innovation in Australian business
Download and read The Changing ESS Landscape since 1 July 2009 |  EOA Report, April 2013
Download and read Media Release

Experts Panel Chair – Marc Bosotti

Vialto Partners
Tel: +61 413 498 180
Email: marc.bosotti@vialto.com

Experience & Expertise

Marc is Global Employee Equity Lead, APAC at Vialto Partners. He has over 20 years of experience advising organisations on reward and performance, global mobility and taxation matters.

Marc specialises in helping companies design, implement and administer reward and compensation structures that create alignment with the organisation’s business and people strategy. He has significant experience with employee equity arrangements in listed, unlisted and private equity environments.

ac-partnerAndrew Clements

Partner at King & Wood Mallesons
Tel: +61 3 9643 4089
Email: andrew.clements@au.kwm.com

Experience & Expertise

Andrew is a Partner in the Melbourne office of King & Wood Mallesons where he specialises in tax with an emphasis on capital gains tax, consolidation, imputation and international tax work. His practice concentrates on corporate tax, together with the tax consequences of dealing in intellectual property rights and with the taxation treatment of the funds management industry. He also has extensive experience in relation to both the tax and legal issues associated with employee share schemes.

Chris Galway

Partner at Ernst & Young – People Advisory Services
Tel: +61 2 8295 6476
Email: Chris.galway@au.ey.com

Experience & Expertise

Chris leads Ernst & Young’s Equity Incentives practice in Australia, specialising in executive remuneration and the design and implementation of employee share plans and long-term incentive plans.

Chris’ team provides remuneration, incentive design, tax, legal and accounting advice to a wide range of Australian and overseas organisations.

Chris has worked extensively with major Australian-listed groups, private equity firms and unlisted companies on executive remuneration and equity plan-related assignments, including IPOs and transactions.

Mathew Ronald

Mathew is a Director in People Advisory Services at Ernst & Young
Email: Mathew.ronald@gmail.com

Experience & Expertise

Mathew advises companies on executive remuneration and employee share plans across the full spectrum of employee share plan life-cycle, including, consulting, legal and taxation services.

Mathew is a lawyer and equity plan specialist who has spent his career designing and advising on employee equity arrangements. Prior to joining EY, Mathew was General Manager of the equity plan division of Link Market Services and worked as an equity plan lawyer at Linklaters LLP (UK) and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.

Sonia Kew

Sonia is a Director in the Reward Advisory Services team at PwC
Email: sonia.kew@au.pwc.com

Experience & Expertise

Sonia advises on the design, structuring and implementation, of incentive awards, ensuring that they align management and employee behaviours to the interests of key stakeholders, whilst ensuring tax efficiency.  Sonia has worked extensively with outbound and inbound groups, in both the listed and unlisted space and extensively with private equity-backed businesses looking to drive performance towards an exit.

Sonia is a tax lawyer with 20+ years of experience in equity reward and compensation, and corporate and international tax, both in Australia and in the UK.

Tom McCarty

Tom McCarty is General Manager of the Equity Plan Solutions of Link Market Services.
Tel: +61 (0)2 9375 7842
Email: tom.mccarty@linkmarketservices.com.au

Experience & Expertise

As General Manager, Tom manages employee plans services to Link’s 150+ equity plan clients across the full spectrum of the employee share plan lifecycle, including share plan administration, legal and regulatory advice, data metrics, employee engagement and trustee services.

Tom’s breadth of Registry and Employee Equity Plan knowledge and extensive experience allows him to add significant value to clients in maintaining an effective and efficient employee equity plan.

Shaun Cartoon

Shaun is a Partner at Arnold Bloch Leibler
Tel: +61 3 9229 9685
Email: scartoon@abl.com.au

Experience & Expertise

Shaun Cartoon is a creative and commercially focused tax lawyer. He is a partner of Arnold Bloch Leibler’s tax practice.

Shaun practices in corporate, international and employment taxes. He advises leading ASX listed companies, share registries, employee share trust providers, private companies and innovative start-up businesses on all aspects of the design, implementation and administration of employee share schemes and incentives.

Shaun’s extensive experience also includes advising on mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructures, and assisting clients to navigate complex tax disputes with the Australian Taxation Office.

Dheeraj Lalwani

Senior Manager, Client Relationship and Business Development, Equity Plan Solutions at Link Group
Tel: +61 (07)  3867 5645
Email: Dheeraj.Lalwani@linkmarketservices.com.au

Experience & Expertise

Dheeraj has over 15 years of experience in proactively managing Global Employee and Executive equity plans in Australia and worldwide. His experience extends into every aspect of Employee and Executive plan and has an in-depth understanding of complex administrative requirements for a global employee share scheme.

Dheeraj is based in Brisbane and manages the team of relationship manager that oversee global unlisted and listed companies. He is also a member of the product development team focusing on innovative and new services that add significant value to clients in maintaining an effective and efficient employee equity plan.

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