The Board
The Employee Ownership Australia board consists of a diverse group of committed and passionate individuals from across the employee ownership space in Australia.
Chair – Andrew Clements
Andrew is a legal consultant in the Melbourne office of King & Wood, Mallesons, where he was partner for over 25 years.
Andrew has worked extensively in relation to both the tax and legal issues associated with employee ownership, both for listed and unlisted entities.
Andrew has had considerable involvement in various tax and corporate reviews of the regulation of Employee Ownership In Australia. He has a very strong view that we should promote not prevent Employee Ownership through our tax and regulatory framework. A major area of his focus at present is the development of effective succession models through employee ownership.
Deputy Chair – Janna DeVylder
Janna is a Founder, Director and Principal Designer at Meld Studios, an award-winning Australian service design consultancy. Meld’s focus is on helping organisations to co-design better policies, services, systems, decision-making and ways of working with their customers and their people. In addition to managing Meld and leading design projects, Janna and her co-founders are guiding Meld to becoming the first Australian-based organisation that is employee-owned by trust, and are looking to find ways to support other small and medium-sized businesses to do the same.
Janna has extensive experience in the non-profit space, serving as President of the international Interaction Design Association for three years during a period of massive change and growth. She sat on their non-profit Board of Directors for four years, growing membership from 7,000 to 70,000 and global local groups from 12 to 70. She currently serves as a Good Design Australia ambassador and has served as a judge of the international Good Design Awards.
Alan Greig
Alan has had a long-standing interest in employee and community ownership dating back to the 1970s. He was the Public Officer of the Australian Employee Ownership Association (AEOA) since its inception in 1986 and was its President most recently (2011) while driving the setting up of Employee Ownership Australia Ltd.
Alan is Director, Ownership Strategies at Mercury Cooperative Ltd, an agency specialising in building collaborative enterprises through consultancy, research, information, advice and training. At Mercury, Alan’s focus is on participation and empowerment structures which encourage broader involvement in the governance of organisations and the widespread ownership of assets – for employees through their workplaces and for citizens through mutuals, co-operatives, community trusts and savings schemes.
Alan worked in the NSW public sector for many years in ageing and disability services, primarily as an adviser to funded community services and not-for-profits.
Mathew Ronald
Mathew is a Director in People Advisory Services at Ernst & Young. Mathew advises companies on executive remuneration and employee share plans across the full spectrum of employee share plan life-cycle, including, consulting, legal and taxation services.
Mathew is a lawyer and equity plan specialist who has spent his career designing and advising on employee equity arrangements. Prior to joining EY, Mathew was General Manager of the equity plan division of Link Market Services and worked as an equity plan lawyer at Linklaters LLP (UK) and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
Marie-Louise Czech 
Marie-Louise is a Reward Lead and HR professional with over 25 years’ experience working with global companies administering employee share plans, reward programs and employee benefits. She brings her global knowledge to the Executive, and to the broad employee base with a range of skills in share plan delivery, working with the share registry, and internal and external teams with a focus on tax and securities law compliance and employee communications.
As a Board member for over 4 years and EOA member for 8 plus years, Marie-Louise greatly values the work carried out to educate, inform on issues and promote best practices on employee share plan management. She also values community and is the President of a local community Board, bringing to the EOA Board, both a Corporate and community perspective.
Marc Bosotti
Marc is Global Employee Equity Lead, APAC at Vialto Partners. He has over 20 years of experience advising organisations on reward and performance, global mobility and taxation matters.
Andrew Pendleton
Andrew Pendleton is a Professor of Employee Ownership and Reward at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. Prior to coming to Australia in 2019, he was a professor at Durham, York, and Manchester Metropolitan Universities. He has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Bath, UK.
He has carried out research on employee share plans and employee ownership in Australia, the UK, and Europe over many years, and has published widely on these topics (for details see He was a member of the Inland Revenue Advisory Group that developed the Share Incentive Plan and Enterprise Management Incentives in the UK. As a member of the White Rose Centre for Employee Ownership, he has been involved for some years in running the annual census of employee-owned firms in the UK
Jessica Mitchell
Jess is a Global Share Plans Consultant at the multi-award-winning law firm Tapestry Compliance. She has worked in global share plans since 2005, first for Linklaters and then for Tapestry when it was founded in 2011.
Tapestry is a specialist firm, owned entirely by its employees, providing global advice on legal and tax compliance for employee and executive share and incentive plans and remuneration regulations. Tapestry has a global network of over 100 law firms and offers a state-of-the-art database, OnTap, to help clients manage their global compliance needs. Tapestry also places interim share plan managers and provides expert training, including the UK’s only professional qualification for share plan professionals – Tapestry’s Certificate in Employee Share Plans (accredited by the Chartered Governance Institute, formerly known as the ICSA).
Jess has a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Bachelor of Arts (French and Spanish) from the University of Queensland. Throughout her career, she has lived and worked in the UK and the USA and is now based in Brisbane, Australia.
Dheeraj Lalwani
Dheeraj has over 15 years of experience in proactively managing Global Employee and Executive equity plans in Australia and worldwide. His experience extends into every aspect of the Employee and Executive plan and has an in-depth understanding of complex administrative requirements for a global employee share scheme.
Dheeraj is based in Brisbane and manages the team of relationship managers that oversee global unlisted and listed companies. He is also a member of the product development team focusing on innovative and new services that add significant value to clients in maintaining an effective and efficient employee equity plan.
Sonia Kew
Sonia is a tax lawyer with 20+ years of experience in equity reward and compensation, and corporate and international tax, both in Australia and in the UK.
Company Secretary – Michael Evans
Michael is a Senior Associate in the Taxation team in the Melbourne office of King & Wood Mallesons.
Michael has extensive experience in advising on employee share scheme matters, including advising on the tax consequences in connection with granting employee share scheme interests and developing various employee share scheme vehicles. Michael has also been involved in multiple policy submissions to Treasury and the Australian Taxation Office relating to employee share scheme issues.
Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Juris Doctor and Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne.